The All Clear
I happened to be at home this lunchtime when Mr Dewar rang from the Leeds General Infirmary. The call made me sit up from my post-prandial slump and he sounded positive. I had a follow up appointment in June as I couldn't make the usual 4 week check up. He informed me that the node biopsy was all clear with no sign of spread as was the skin excision margin! This is excellent news and I intend to celebrate with my wife tonight over a bottle of Graham Beck bubbly we purchased in Franshoek for just such an occasion! With faith I had been hoping that the results were all clear, that I had acted fast and caught the cancer before it spread and that I would be all clear to claim a longer life but it's a great feeling to have that confirmed! I ran up the stairs to write a blog post immediately, reminding myself how well my leg is now healing! The scar still feels tight and is healing from the bottom of the split upwards but apart from that I feel like I am back on track. I h...