#BEATTHEBELLY Tip - Drink More Water

So you drink stuff through the day. How much of it contains sugar or caffeine? How much pure water do you drink?

So why do we need so much water? Because our body cells are made up of 98% water. Its the stuff of life.

Often your brain gets confused between dehydration / thirst and hunger/ appetite.

If you want to kickstart your metabolism to lose weight drink a pint of cold water on waking.

Then drink a pint BEFORE every meal - you will be surprised to find you eat less as your thirst is slaked and your true appetite remains.

Initially you may pee more, but the kidneys soon get used to it.

If your wee is yelllow you are chronically dehydrated, so drink water till the wee is clear - as they say at LIVESTRONG.COM - KEEP IT CLEAR.

You should aim to drink 2-3 L of water or around 6 pints a day, more if working in heat or a physical occupation.

Any less than this and you're into tension headaches, mood swings, poor concentration, energy slumps and overeating to slake your thirst.

Dr Ben Sinclair

Sinclair Health Limited



Twitter: @menshealthtips

Linked In: http://ow.ly/5iykm


  1. Stay hydrated in hot weather with these low calorie, soft drink swap ideas

    http://t.co/7eXZfPX #BEATTHEBELLY #TG2011 #Optimiseclinic #hydrate

  2. follow this link for more detail on the role of water in the body



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