#BEATTHEBELLY Tip - Stoke The Fires

So you're eating breakfast and starting the energy "boiler" on a fast burn every morning.

The boiler needs regular stoking to keep burning at this pace, with stimulation from regular exercise alongside regular food and fluid intake to keep the fires burning.

In the old days when men worked the land they might eat up to four times a day without getting fat because they were constantly exercising in daily life, walking to work, hefting loads and digging etc.

These days we have to trick our sedentary bodies into running at a higher metabolic rate by eating smaller portions, more often, while catching exercise where we can.

So have smaller meals and healthy snacks imbetween with fluids, while increaseing exercise.

A days food/fluid intake might look like this:

0730 get up drink 1 pint cold water
0745 eat small bowl of low sugar muesli and drink black coffee or tea
0800 cycle to work
1100 eat a banana and drink more water
1300 eat a sandwich and drink pint of water
1500 have an apple and a cup of green tea (good for prostate)
1700 have a glass of water and an energy bar eg Go Ahead
1800 cycle home
1900 have a pint of water
1905 eat dinner - baked potato and grilled chicken with veg and fruit
2100 eat some raw carrots drink some water
2300 go to bed - drink some water before bed

I appreciate this is quite rigid and its only a one day example so doesnt represent a full abalnced diet with all the food groups, but it shows how often you need to feed your brain and body, stoking the energy furnace through the day so it burns more calories even while you sleep.

Dr Ben Sinclair

Sinclair Health Limited



Twitter: @menshealthtips

Linked In: http://ow.ly/5iykm


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