BEATTHEBELLY - Sixpack or Keg?

Back in the Seventies and Eighties a Jogging craze swept the world.

In the Nineties Marathons became mainstream.

In the Naughties the Triathlon was the latest fad.

Today in the Tweenies, weightloss and the beach body still top the culture charts. With TV shows about embarrassing bodies and how to look good naked, body image is as important as it ever was with weight loss and a lean mean man machine the main idol everyone is striving for.

We have Gok Wan proposing "How to look good naked", helping real shaped women realise the truth behind airbrushed pictures in the media of young women who can wear anything and look great having just fallen out of bed.

Where is the male counterpart series or equivalent?

Men are bombarded with images of washboard "abs" which, if you believe Mens Health Magazine, are the most important thing to look for in a real man; no room is left for integrity and a real wobbly keg rather than an 8 pack.

So weight loss continues to plague us men - why?

Because we are all still mostly overweight!

With an increasing percentage of the UK overweight and heading for obesity, weightloss is still as important as it ever was.

Want to reduce your risk of cancer? Already stopped smoking? Lose some weight! Get a healthy lifestyle and keep your belly below 37 in or 94 cm at it's widest point and you dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease stroke and diabetes too.

Need more motivation? just look back at the blog articles so far on Beatthebelly.

Forget the abs and concentrate on your KEG!

Dr Ben Sinclair
Twitter: @menshealthtips
Sinclair Health Limited


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