Enhance your New Years Fitness Resolutions!
Most of us will have made some health related New Years Resolutions, but how many will flop come the end of the month?
I have resolved to start training for my first Triathlon which I will enter this July at Castle Howard.
I have been preparing mentally and practically for some time and now I can bite the bullet.
Last year I started running for the first time in 15 years (I gave up after a knee injury skiing) and have been slowly pushing the distance - now around 3 miles.
This year I need to concentrate on getting up to 10k and add in swimming.
When the clocks go forward I will start more cycling in the evenings as well as to work in the daytime.
I have told my friends about my resolution to increase my likelihood of success. I have written my goal and broken it down into smaller steps. I have chosen small achievable milestones over a reasonable time period to increase reward. My ultimate goals is well suited as I love strenuous exercise in beautiful natural surroundings - where better than Castle Howard?
Early this year a Guardian article caught my eye and I just had to pass it on as it is full of solid tips on how to achieve your health and fitness goals - not just in January but carrying on through the whole year.
If you're setting a physical / fitness goal you need to ask yourself a few searching questions and then set realistic goals before committing to a regular exercise routine.
Check out the rest of the article here.
I will be posting another resolution article every day as this is just what you need to get going and keep going this year - become the best you can be!
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