Mental Preparation for The Year Ahead
Athletes have practised mindfulness for some time now in preparation for successful performance in the field.
When I started running, I happened to chat to a friend who had been a top class track athlete. I had been talking about running for some time and had longed to be free to take exercise whenever and wherever I wanted; but had not actually started running yet. He asked me how much time I had spent thinking about running; I answered that I was not sure; but I had really only spent time practically preparing for it (new trainers, shorts etc).
Funny then that one day when I was driving to the gym after this conversation I stopped the car and like Forrest Gump "I just started running"! I had been looking at a map of our area. I knew that near my route was a moor that gave onto a racecourse with woods where I could run to my hearts content - away from the roads and in natural setting within the citty limits.
I had been imagining running these woods for some time before I attmpted it, before that I had a memory of running on a beach in Scotland on a sunny day which kept driving me back to this activity goal.
Visualisation is a great tool - have you ever wondered why it always feels quicker to get home on the same route you went somewhere? Thats because your subconcious already picked up visual cues to the route and is constantly reassured on the return journey when you see familiar landmarks and surroundings. Its the same with visualisation- if you imagine doing the activity you want to do and think it through in your head often, it will feel easier and more normal to actually participate when you start.
A further installment on this and other areas of mindfullness is here in the guardian series - enjoy dreaming!
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